
Bhaktamar Stotra of Acharya Manatunga


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bhaktamara-pranata-maulimani-prabhana –
mudyotakam dalita-papa-tamovitanam |
samyak pranamya jina padayugam yugada
valambanam bhavajale patatam jananam || 1||

yah sanstutah sakala-vangaya- tatva-bodha
d -ud bhuta- buddhipatubhih suralokanathaih|
stotrairjagattritaya chitta-harairudaraih
stoshye kilahamapi tam prathamam jinendram || 2||

buddhya vinaapi vibudharchita padapitha
stotum samudyata matirvigatatrapoaham |
balam vihaya jalasansthitamindu bimba –
manyah ka ichchhati janah sahasa grahitum || 3 ||

vaktum gunan gunasamudra shashankkantan
kaste kshamah suragurupratimoapi buddhya |
kalpanta – kal – pavanoddhata – nakrachakram
ko va taritumalamambunidhim bhujabhyam || 4 ||

I bow to Thee, O Lord Adinath
Teacher Supreme Guide of the Path
of Dharma Eternal Source Divine
The Purusha first Saviour Benign
Crowns place celestials on Thy feet
Delusions they remove, see vision sweet
Worshipping Thy feet ends transmigration
With body, mind, speech concentration.
With words select and expressions deep
I give Thine supreme attributes a peep
Just as Shruti others sang Thy praise
It was Indra and other celestials craze.

My desire to praise Thee is insolence
Using various expressions sheer ignorance
No wise man would catch the reflection
Of moon in water, a childish action.

Ocean limitless of passionless attributes
Even Brahaspati is unable to pay tributes
Which creature can swim the ocean
Disturbed by Dooms day violent motion.


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