From the quest of immortality to the quest for fuller living and spirituality, humanity has, indeed, taken an about-turn. We stand at a major crossroad of change, and never has the time been so ripe for lifting the collective humanity from darkness into light. With huge research being done by scientists in the West on human con- consciousness, it is also time, we turn to the legacies bestowed upon us by of our rishis, munis, Tirthankaras and enlightened masters in the form of sacred texts. When I came across the extraordinary healing effects of the Bhaktamar Stotra, I realised I had been looking only to the West for knowledge. As I delved into searching this ancient Jain Sanskrit panegyric, I realised the phenomenal potential it held, if combined with the knowledge of sacred geometry or yantra. Until now, the 48 stotras have proven to heal and effect with sound alone, and my aim is to double the impact with a visual energy connect and create a multidimensional energetic healing technique.The effects of each verse on the consciousness and the physical realm has been reintroduced in 48 Bhaktamar Infinity Energy cards along with other powerful dimensions and the influence of Kabbalah sciences to multiply the potency of healing. I hope my attempt to create a wholistic path towards physical, mental and spiritual well being will serve my fellow beings in the way I intend it to.
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